Healthonic Healthcare - Aarogyam Sukhsampada
Aarogyam Sukhsampada - Health is the divine wealth.

'Wealth' is what enriches and 'divine wealth' is enrichment that comes along with grateful awareness that we owe this wealth to 'The Divine'. We are talking here about the divine wealth that is 'health' – health as in a state of 'wellness' of the body and of the mind in our given circumstance and attainable essentially, through awareness and necessary correction – all of this of course scientifically and very simply! .......because the source be divine, this wealth is for us humans to prize and respect.

And so 'Aarogyam Sukhsampada' - a website, a platform for the good health of one and all.

Aarogyam Sukhsampada - Health is the divine wealth
The contents of this website fall back essentially on a special lecture on 'Self-Health' that Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi - MD (Med) gave on 13th December 2014.
Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi is proficient in Homeopathy and has even addressed national seminars organized by 'Hahnemannian Homeo Forum' attended by Homeopaths of repute. The book 'Applied Mind' authored by Dr. Krishnakumar Dinde was also released at his hands His profound knowledge of Ayurveda too is known and acclaimed. A consultant of repute, his extensive experience in the medical field and of course his concern for the 'health' and 'wellness' of every common person, opened up that day, a whole new world of knowledge lending a new perspective to attaining wellness. Scientific information about common illnesses and diseases we suffer in today's times and corrections in lifestyles and notions that go a long way in bringing us back to a state of good health were among the highlights of his talk.

The field of medicine holds a fund of knowledge that is meant to benefit the world. Simplifying whatever possible, conveying how simply practicable corrections are for instance, was one of the intentions of the lecture and this platform will hold on to it too because we, the common people are entitled to this kind of education and must receive it freely and openly.

The education that the audience received on that day will of course be shared here on this site. But that is not all.
Since health does not merely indicate absence of illness but essentially a state of wellness to be maintained by way of continual and sustained effort under appropriate guidance, this website will provide an interactive platform with a panel of experienced experts from all branches of medicine who will discuss health-related issues.
The ancient wisdom made 'good health' part of a prayer aligning it with happiness (Aarogyam Sukhsampada). 'Good health' is after all, the primary resource we draw on, to live a happy life, the resource we must work on to nurture and enhance.
So, may we be enriched, may we be blessed…