Healthonic Healthcare - Aarogyam Sukhsampada
Aarogyam Sukhsampada - Health is the divine wealth.

  The bread which we we eat routinely is either made up of Maida (Bleached flour) or whole wheat. If it is made up of Maida it is definitely harmful for health also it contains a lot of calories. The whole wheat bread may not be that harmful for health but it still has high calories, so not suitable for those who want to lose weight. There is also risk of gluten (compound present in wheat) intolerance for those who are sensitive to it. Jowar bread can be an option in this situation but finding a Jowar bread in market is bit difficult. But don’t worry, here is the solution!  You can make your Jowar bread at home and that too using just an oven or a pressure cooker, Amazing! Yes, it is possible. Follow the given recipe on how to make a Jowar bread and enjoy your breakfast without any guilt. It requires just 1-2 drops of oil and no sugar in making of this bread, which makes it very low in calories.





MAIN INGREDIENTS: 1. Jowar (Sorghum) Flour: 250 grams 2. Curd: 250 ml 3. Milk: 250 ml 4. Salt: As per taste 5. Eno fruit salt: 2 Tea spoons 6. Baking soda: 1/2 Tea spoon 7. Baking powder: 1 Tea spoon



  1. Beat Curd in a bowl.
  2. Add milk to it.
  3. Then Add Jowar (Sorghum) Flour slowly into this and stir it till there are no lumps left. Make it into smooth batter.
  4. Now add Salt, Baking powder, Baking soda and Eno to the batter.
  5. Whisk the batter.
  6. It ferments and becomes light in weight.
  7. Grease a rectangular mould with one drop of oil and pat it with some Jowar flour.
  8. Now pour the batter into this mould.
  9. Now preheat Oven.
  10. Bake it in Oven on 250 Degree-Celsius for approx. 1 to 1 and 1/2 hr.


  1. Remove whistle and ring from a Cooker.
  2. Now just place one stand in this cooker and preheat it on Gas/Hotplate/stove (As per availability) for 5-8 min.
  3. Now put the rectangular mould containing batter in the cooker.
  4. Now bake it in the cooker for 1 hr.
  5. To check whether Bread is done just pierce a toothpick in it.
  6. If it comes out clean from all sides bread is ready.
  7. Now let it cool for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Then move a knife at all the edges n just flip the mould on any tray.
  9. Jowar (Sorghum) bread is ready.
  10. This bread can be used to make for Tiffin’s as:
  • Sandwiches (with salad and favourite sauce)
  • Garlic bread (Put salt and garlic paste with herbs).
  • Crispy Toast with Tea/Coffee. Or
  • As a substitute for Paav to eat Paav Bhaji.
Enjoy this low calorie Jowar bread without any guilt.



Recipe in Marathi    

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